next off 意味
- 次に、そのとき
- next next adj. 次の, 隣の. 【+前置詞】 I was next in line after him. 列で彼のあとについていた
- off off adv. あちらに, 向こうへ, 離れて. 【副詞】 The fish is a bit off. 《口語》 魚が少々いたんでいる
- take all next week off 来週いっぱい休みを取る
- pair off with someone in the next tennis match 次のテニスの試合では~と組む
- put off a conclusion until the next meeting 次の会議{かいぎ}まで結論{けつろん}を延ばす
- put off the picnic till next week 来週{らいしゅう}までピクニックを延ばす
- slink off to greet one's next arrival 次の来客{らいきゃく}の所へあいさつしに行く
- put off deliberation until the next diet session on a bill 法案{ほうあん}を次の国会{こっかい}で継続審議{けいぞくしんぎ}する
- next next adj. 次の, 隣の. 【+前置詞】 I was next in line after him. 列で彼のあとについていた My house is next to the church. 私の家は教会の隣です It is next to impossible. それはほとんど不可能だ I learned next to no as
- next to next to 隣 となり
- to be next to be next 来たる 来る きたる
- next next 〈話〉次の次の、隣の隣で◆【同】next but one
- be off for be óff for O ((略式))〈物〉がある How are you ~ for coffee? コーヒーはどのくらいありますか.
- off off adv. あちらに, 向こうへ, 離れて. 【副詞】 The fish is a bit off. 《口語》 魚が少々いたんでいる I thought it was a bit off that he didn't come to meet you. 《英口語》 彼があなたに会いにこないのはちょっと失礼だと思った a mile off 1 マイ
- off and on 断続{だんぞく}して、断続的{だんぞく てき}に、とぎれとぎれに、間欠的{かんけつ てき}に、時折{ときおり}、(雨?雪などが)降ったりやんだり◆【同】on and off It rained off and on all day. 雨が降ったりやんだりしていた。 Snow fell off and on during the day. 日中、雪が降ったりやんだりしていた。 ---------
- next off , with respect to the kawara-mei of the year 1693 which was 43 years after the initial construction in 1650 , it has been found that a fair number of hiragarawa were added that year and nearly half of all tiles are the same type as those with the kawara-mei of the year 1825 indicating that the building was reroofed in those years .